Male Pattern Baldness
Male Pattern Baldness Hair loss in males, also known as Androgenetic alopecia is a common type of hair loss. The hair on the scalp have a different embryological origin. The roots of the hair in the frontal & crown areas have a receptor which has an increased sensitivity towards male sex hormones called androgens. However, this receptor is absent in the back and sides of the head area and other areas of the body. Therefore, the hair in front and crown area of the scalp after a certain age start becoming thin and gradually fall down.
Type 1: Minimal temporal recession with thinning along anterior margin of forelock.
Type 2: Deep frontal recession with few or no remaining hairs.
Type 3 vertex: Vertex affected with deep frontal recession.
Type 4: Significant frontal and temporal recession and frontal thinning with sparse or absent hair in the vertex.
Type 5: Large areas of frontotemporal and vertex alopecia and only a narrow and sparse bridge separating both areas.
Type 6: Loss of bridge that separates the frontal and vertex areas with lateral and posterior progression of alopecia.
Type 7: Most severe form of balding. Only hair – shoe shaped band of hair in the occipital region remains in the scalp.
Traction Alopecia
Traction Alopecia is a condition which is caused by constant pulling and tension over hair for a long period of time. For example, the excessive force applied for tying of knot in the Sikhs cause damage to the dermal papilla and hair follicles which result in this peculiar pattern of hair loss. The hairline becomes straight and there are very small hair along the border of the hairline. The hair loss becomes permanent unless the causative factor is removed at an early stage.
Cicatricial Alopecia
It is a kind of a scary disease where in the hair follicles get destroyed. It is a very critical disease which is not very easy to inspect at the early stage, but if not timely taken care, could bring devastating effects on the patients. It is very rare disease which may or may not show its symptoms at the initial stage. It is not restricted to males only and can take place in women as well.
Trichotillomania is a kind of hair loss resulting from continuous urge to twist the hair or pull the hair until it breaks off. It is a considered as a response of impulsive control disorder but it causes are not yet clear. As per the research, 4% of the total population is affected by it,mainly females. Its initial symptoms include coming out of hair in round patches, sometimes across the scalp resulting into uneven appearance.
The target places for hair pulling usually are eyebrows, body hair and eyelashes. The people who have this disorder are also found to be having depression, anxiety and poor self image.